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Integrating Targeted Exercise Therapy for Mental Health


Dive deep into the neurobiological and psychological aspects linking exercise and mental health. Learn to tailor exercise prescriptions, behaviour change & motivational strategies, integrate diverse modalities, and stay at the forefront of evidence-based practices. By the conclusion of this course, you will be able to: - Acknowledge the link between physical activity and mental well-being. - Address mental health challenges in fitness communities, promoting inclusivity and reducing stigma. - Stay updated on exercise's mental health benefits, including its impact on mood disorders and stress. - Customize exercise plans to accommodate mental health considerations. - Recognize potential exercise-related challenges and know when to proceed with caution. - Use motivational strategies to boost exercise adherence. - Incorporate lifestyle psychiatry principles to support mental health. - Respond to crisis situations and know when to refer clients to mental health professionals. - Design and evaluate impactful exercise programs for mental health improvement. Apply knowledge in practice.

Course Overview

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